
    Dragon Age: Absolution on Netflix: Date & Details

    Dragon Age: Absolution is a animation series created by Mairghread Scott. The series stars Matthew Mercer, Ashly Burch and Phil LaMarr. Dragon Age: Absolution was produced by BioWare, and Red Dog Culture House and was initially released on December 9, 2022. As of this writing, the series has a rating on IMDb. Find out where and how to watch Dragon Age: Absolution, release date, reviews, and more below.

    When is Dragon Age: Absolution coming to Netflix?

    You can watch Dragon Age: Absolution starting Friday, December 9, 2022. If you live on the east coast, you can start watching Dragon Age: Absolution at 3:01 AM (ET), while the west coast gets it at 12:01 AM (PT). Some Netflix original are considered original in one nation but not in another, meaning they may not be accessible in your country. The following are the start times for the major time zones in the United States:

    Netflix Release Date December 9, 2022
    Eastern (ET) 3:01 AM
    Central (CT) 2:01 AM
    Mountain (MST) 1:01 AM
    Pacific (PT) 12:01 AM

    Please note that the dates might shift, so make sure to check back frequently because we will be updating this page.

    About Dragon Age: Absolution

    Set in the Tevinter Empire, the oldest of several human nations in Thedas explore the experiences of its different inhabitants. Dragon Age: Absolution is a series originally released in 2022. According to NetflixSchedule, Dragon Age: Absolution parental rating is TV-MA.

    Netflix release date Friday, December 9, 2022 (USA)
    Original release date December 9, 2022
    Where to Stream Netflix
    Starring Matthew Mercer, Ashly Burch and Phil LaMarr
    Genre Animation, Action, Adventure
    Runtime N/A
    Rating TV-MA

    You can view the official website for more details.

    Check Netflix and Amazon Prime availability in your country below.


    Dragon Age: Absolution is a animation series with a score on IMDb ( votes). Please keep in mind that all user reviews were correct at the time of posting. We will continue to update ratings on a regular basis.

    Is Dragon Age: Absolution a Netflix Original?

    Dragon Age: Absolution is a Netflix Original series that will be released in December 2022 on Netflix. Unless it is a Netflix originals, movies and television programs on the streaming sites tend to come and go frequently. A Netflix account costs $9.99 and provides unlimited, ad-free access to their entire collection.

    Be sure to check out what's new on Netflix in December 2022. Discover all new series and films released on December 9th.


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